बुधवार, 7 सितंबर 2011


Ist Paper- Theory                   Code-No---                  M.M.40
Fundamentals of Visual Art & Indian folk Art.
Unit-I  Simple study : Definition and Meaning of Art  Elements of Painting
 1. Line
 2. Form
 3. Color
 4. Tone
 5. Texture
 6. Space
Unit-II Principles of Composition
 1. Proportion
 2. Rhythm
 3. Dominance
 4. Harmony
 5. Unity
 6. Balance
Unit-III Medium and Techniques
 1. Dry Medium
     Pastel Color
 2. Wet Medium 
     Water , Oil , Acrylic
Pastel Color ,Water Color ,Tempera Color , Acrylic Color
Unit-IV Indian Folk Art
 1. Origin
 2. Definition
 3. Types-Rangoli, Mandana, Alpana, Sanjhileela, Godana, Aipan 
Suggested Readings:
1. Roopankan:                                    G.K. Agarawal
2. Chitrakala Ke Anga:                      C.L. Jha
3. Chitran Vidhan:                             Sharma and Kshotriya
1. Roopprada kala ke Mool Aadhar:  Sharma & Agarwal
2. Kala Ki Parakh:                              K.K. Jaiswal
3. Kala ka Darshan:                            Ramchandra Shukla
4. Kala Vivechana:                             Kumar Vimal
5.Kalagat Tatva  [Aakriti-1]               Kiran Pradeep
6.Chtran Vidhan Avam Samagri        S.D.Kshotriya
7.Bhartiya Lokkala                             Neelima Gupta
8.Roopradakala                                   R.A. Agrawal
9.Lokaabhivyakti                                Neelima Gupta
10.Kala Shikshan                               Chitralekha Singh
11.Kala Shikshan –Shikshak &Shiksharthi        Chitralekha Singh

IInd --PAPER- PRACTICAL     Code No--------                             M.M. 30
 Still Life Painting  
1. Size : Quarter Imperial  
2. Duration of Time: 3 Hours 
3. Medium : Oil/Water/Acrylic/Pastel 
4. Submission of Sessional work:
5 Plates , 5 Sketches
Division of Marks
Examination = 20 
5 Plates and 5 Sketches for submission = 5+5= 10            Total= 30
IIIrdPaper[Prac.] Code N0---------                                                    M.M.30
1. Size: Quarter Imperial
2. Duration of Time: 3 Hours
3. Medium : Any Medium
4. Submission of  Sessional work: 5 Plates
5 Sketches
Division of Marks
Examination = 20 
5 Plates and 5 Sketches for submission
Total of Prac. Marks    =  5+5=10  (30+30=60   )  
1. Above mentioned second paper practical's in two units should be treated in two courses and two individual period should be allotted for every batch. One batch should be consituted of maximum 30 students.
2. Ist paper theory should be allotted another individual period.
3. Art material should be provided from the college for the demonstration by the teacher.
4. Drawing Boards should be provided for each student from the college. 
5. The objects of still life should be purchased by  the college for conducting Art classes. 5
IVth Paper- Theory    Code No---------     M.M.40
History of Indian Painting
Unit-I Pre-historic art in reference to Indian Painting
 1. Pre-historic Painting
 2. Indus Valley
Unit-II Buddhist Art:      (Buddha Period)
 1. Ajanta
 2. Bagh
 3. Sittanvasal
 4. Badami
 5. Ellora
Unit-III Medieval Art       (Medieval Period)
 1. Pal School
 2. Apbhransha/ Jain School/Western Indian Painting 
Unit-IV Rajasthani Style
 1. Mewar---Udaipur
 2. Marwar--KishanGarh
 3. Hadhoti—Bundi-Kota
 4. Dhundar--Jaipur
Mughal School
 1. Akbar
 2. Jahanghir
 3. Shahjahan
Pahari School
 1. Basholi
 2. Kangra
 3. Garhwal
Suggested Readings: 6
1. Bharat Ki Chitrakala:
2. Bhartiya Chtrakala ka Itihaas :
3.  Bhartiya Chitrakala ka Itihasic Sandarbh:
4.  Bhartiya Chitrakala ka Sankshipta Parichaya:
Raikrishna Das
C.L.   Jha
Gopal Madhukar Chaturvedi
Vachaspati Gairola
5. Kala Aur Kalam :
6. Bhartiya Chitrakala ka Itihaas :
7. Bhartiya Chitrakala ka Itihaas :
8. Indian Paintings :
9.Bhartiya Kala[AAkriti-2]
10.Bhrtiya Chitrakala ka Sankshipta Itihas
11 Bhartiya Chitra Kala           Asha Aanand & Seema
12.Drawing of Rajasthan       Chitralekha Singh
13.Paramparik Rekhankan     Archana Rani
G.K. Agarwal
R.A. Agrawal
Avinash Bahadur Verma
Percy Brown
Kiran Pradeep
L. C. Sharma
Vth PAPER- PRACTICAL    CODE NO----------------      M.M. 30
Copy from Old Masters (One figure composition )
 1. Size: Quarter Imperial 
 2. Duration of time: 3  Hours 
 3. Medium : Any Medium
[Water ,Acrylic]
 4. Submission of Sessional work: 5 Plates
5 Sketches
Division of Marks  
 Examination = 20 
 5 Plates and 5 Sketches for submission = 5+5 =10           
Total=  30
VIth  Paper
Portrait Study Bust [ Cast/Life]
Code No-------                                                                   M.M.  30
1. Size : Quarter Imperial 
2. Duration of time: 3 Hours 
3. Medium : Water/oil/Acrylic 
4. Submission of Sessional work: 5 Plates
5 Sketches
Division of Marks  
 Examination =  20 
 5 Plates and 5 Sketches for submission = 5+5 = 10           Total= 30
 Total Practical Marks =30+30=60  8
VIIth Paper- Theory  Code No----                       M.M.40
Philosophy of Art and Modern Indian Painting
(18th Century AD upto Present Age)
Unit-I Simple Study
 1. Definition and Meaning of Art 
 2. Six Limbs of Indian paintings (Shadang) 
Unit-II Philosophy of Art
 1. Concept of beauty
 2. Art and Symbolism
 3. Art and Society
 4. Art and Modernity
A  Modern Art in Indian Painting (from 18th Century  upto present age)
1. Patna/Company School:
2.  Life and style of  Raja Ravi Verma
3. Bengal School/Renaissance period
Life and style Abanindranath  Tagore, Asitkumar Haldar, Nandlal Bose, Kshitindranath Mazumdar
B New Trends in Modern Indian paintings
1. Life and Style of     Jamini Roy,    Ravindranath Tagore,
Gagandranath Tagore,    Amrita Shergil Gill
Unit-IV Contemporary Indian Painting after Independence upto
Present age.
1. Life and Style of Satish Gujral, M.F. Husain,  K.K. Hebbar, N.S. Bendre, B. Prabha,, Ram Kumar.
Suggested Readings:  
1. Bharat Ki Chitrakala: 2. Bhartiya Chtrakala ka Itihaas : 3.  Bhartiya Chitrakala ka Itihasic Sandarbh: 4.  Bhartiya Chitrakala ka Sankshipta Parichaya: 5.  Abanindranath Tagore and the Art of His Times: Rai krishna Das C.L.   Jha ,Gopal Madhukar Chaturvedi ,Vachaspati Gairola ,Jaya Appaswamy. 1. Kala Aur Kalam : 2. Bhartiya Chitrakala ka Itihaas : 3. Bhartiya Chitrakala ka Itihaas : 4. Indian Paintings : 5. Kala Vilas : 6.Bhartiya Aadhunik Kala 7.Aadhunik Bhartiya Chitra Kala     G.K.Agrawal G.K. Agarwal R.A. Agrawal Avinash Bahadur Verma ,Percy Brown
R.A. Agarwal Kiran Pradeep 8.KalaSameeksha   G.K.Agrawal ,9. KalaSameeksha  Avam saundraShashtra  G.K.Agrawal,10.Saundarya                                      Rajendra Bajpai 11,SaundaryaShashtra    Hardwarilal Sharma 12.Saundarya Bodh Avam Lalitkalayein  Saroj Bhargava 13.Kala                                              Chitralekha Singh   14.Manavakriti Sanyojan      Archana Rani   15.Kalatmak Sanyojan                     Kiran Pradeep         
VIIIth PAPER- PRACTICAL  CODE NO---------                       M.M.30                
Pictorial composition (with minimum two human figures are compulsory)
1. Size: Quarter Imperial 
2. Duration of Time: 3 Hours 
3. Medium : Water
4. Submission of Sessional work: 5 Plates,   5 Sketches 
Division of Marks
Examination = 20 
5 Plates and 5 Sketches for submission = 5+5=10             Total= 30
IXth Paper     Code No-----
Landscape [Outdoor or Creative]  M.M.  30    
 1. Size : Quarter Imperial 
 2. Duration of time: 3  Hours 
 3. Medium : Water/ oil 
 4. Submission of Sessional work: 5 Plates,
10 Sketches
Division of Marks
Examination =20 
5 Plates and 10 Sketches for Submission = 5+5 = 10      Total= 30
Life Study Sketching
 1. Size :  A3 Size Drawing Sheet 
 2. Medium : Pencil, Charcoal Ink 
 3. Submission of Work: 10 Plates (Sketching) 
 4. Sketches (Book) 25 Sketches 
Division of Marks
Examination =20 
10 Plates and 25 Sketches for submission = 5+5 = 10     Total= 30
Total Practical Marks =60  11
1. Drawing Boards should be provided to the students of B.A. Part I, II and III from the college.
2. Art materials such as colors, paper canvas should be provided from the college to the teachers for their demonstration of different art classes.
3. Still life objects, Cast of human body's parts, Cast Bust, antiques should be purchased by the college for conducting the art classes of graduate
4. In B.A. Part I and B.A. II Second paper practical, consisting of Two different groups- the entry of marks should be consolidated.
5. In B.A. III, II Paper Practical-should be treated separately Practicals of B.A. I, B.A. II and B.A. III and its groups should be allotted period
individually in the time table.
 6. In each class B.A. Part I, II, III separate examiners should be appointed for practica

मेरे बारे में

मेरी फ़ोटो
GHAZIABAD, Uttar Pradesh, India
कला के उत्थान के लिए यह ब्लॉग समकालीन गतिविधियों के साथ,आज के दौर में जब समय की कमी को, इंटर नेट पर्याप्त तरीके से भाग्दौर से बचा देता है, यही सोच करके इस ब्लॉग पर काफी जानकारियाँ डाली जानी है जिससे कला विद्यार्थियों के साथ साथ कला प्रेमी और प्रशंसक इसका रसास्वादन कर सकें . - डॉ.लाल रत्नाकर Dr.Lal Ratnakar, Artist, Associate Professor /Head/ Department of Drg.& Ptg. MMH College Ghaziabad-201001 (CCS University Meerut) आज की भाग दौर की जिंदगी में कला कों जितने समय की आवश्यकता है संभवतः छात्र छात्राएं नहीं दे पा रहे हैं, शिक्षा प्रणाली और शिक्षा के साथ प्रयोग और विश्वविद्यालयों की निति भी इनके प्रयोगधर्मी बने रहने में बाधक होने में काफी महत्त्व निभा रहा है . अतः कला शिक्षा और उसके उन्नयन में इसका रोल कितना है इसका मूल्याङ्कन होने में गुरुजनों की सहभागिता भी कम महत्त्व नहीं रखती.