Max. marks-100
Internal- 50
External- 50
COURSE XIth. History of European Painting (Classical to Early Renaissance)
Objective- The purpose of the study of European Art is to enable the students to see the wood rather than the trees.
Unit I – Classical Art (15 Hrs.)
Greek Art (b) Roman Art
Unit II- Medieval Period (15 Hrs.)
Early Christian Art (b) Byzantine Art (c) Gothic Art
Unit III- Early Renaissance (15 Hrs,)
Early Renaissance in Florence
-Giotto, Masaccio, Botticelli
Unit IV-Early Renaissance in Germany, Spain and Netherland. (15 Hrs.)
Durer (b) El Greco (c) Van Eyck brothers
Internal Assessment shall based on-
The split up of 100 marks- External Assessment- 50M.M.
Internal Assessment- 50M.M.
Unit Tests : Two unit test of 15 marks each duration of at least 1 hour to be conducted by the teacher concerned. Every unit test has to be conducted after completion of two units.
Two Quiz or Group Discussion- 5 marks each,
Seminar/Presentation/Project- 10 marks.
Recommended Readings-
Art through the ages- Helen Gardener
Outline History of Art- William Orpen
A History of Western Art- Michael Levey
The Story of Paintings- H.W. Jonson
World’s Greatest Paintings- T.Leman Hare
Pictorial/History of Western Art- Erwin O.Christener
Paschim Ki Chitrakala- G.K.Aggarwal
Europe ki Chitrakala- G.K.Aggarwal
European Painting- Rajendra Bajpai
10-Europiya Punarjagran- Kusum Dass
Course : XII th
History of Modern Painting (Western) (Background and Impressionism to Cubism)
Max. marks -100
Internal - 50
External - 50
Objective :
Study of History of Modern Painting is to enable the students for technical and stylistic characteristics of main movements in the history of modern painting with the importance and contribution of important masters.
Unit I – : (12 Hrs.)
Neo-Classicism –The work of David and Ingres
Romanticism- The work of Delacroix
Unit II- Realism : (12 Hrs.)
The work of Courbet
Unit III- Impressionism Neo-Impressionism (12 Hrs.)
Impressionism-Manet, Monet, Renoir, Degas
Neo-Impressionism- George Seurat
Unit IV-Post –Impressionism (12 Hrs.)
Cezanne (b) Van Gogh (c) Paul Gauguin
Unit V- Cubism : (12 Hrs.)
Picasso (b) Braque
Internal Assessment shall based on-
The split up of 100 marks- External Assessment- 50M.M.
Internal Assessment- 50M.M.
Unit Tests : Two unit test of 15 marks each duration of at least 1 hour to be conducted by the teacher concerned. Every unit test has to be conducted after completion of two units.
Two Quiz or Group Discussion- 5 marks each,
Seminar/Presentation/Project- 10 marks.
Recommended Readings-
A History of Modern Art- H.H. Arnason
Philosophy of Modern Art- Herbert Read
Story of Modern Art- Scheldon Cheney
Dictionary of twentieth Dynasties Art- Phaidon
Masters of Modern Art- (ed) Alfred H. Bars
Modern Movement Art- R.H. Wilenski
Foundation of Modern- Fant Ozen
Adhunik Chitrakala- G.K.Aggarwal
Adhunik Chitrakala ka Itihas-R.V. Sakhalkar
Modern Art- Rajendra Bajpai
Paschimi Adhunik Chitrakala- Ram Chandra Shukla
Adhunik Chitrakala- Ram Chandra Shukla
Course : XIIIth: Creative Composition (Figurative)
Max Marks: 100
Time : 12 Hrs.
Creation of a thematic idea with creative technique in oil, acrylic, mix medium, pastel and . The students should initiate to develop their on individual technique and style.
Size – 36 inch × 24 Inch
Time- 12 Hrs. in four sittings.
Sessional work submission-3 plates in color.
Sketch book containing 50 sketches.
Internal assessment and submission-50 marks
External assessment 50 marks.
Course : XIVth : Landscape Painting (any style)
Max Marks: 100
Time : 9 Hrs.
Size – 36 inch × 24 Inch [minimum]
Time- 9 Hrs. in three sittings.
Sessional work submission-3 plates in color.
Sketch book containing 50 sketches.
Internal assessment and submission-50 marks
External assessment 50 marks.
Course : XVth : Mural/Graphic Design [Medium-any]
Max Marks: 100
Time : 12 Hrs.[Mural] 03hrs[Graphic Designing]
Size – 36 inch × 24 Inch (Mural) 15x 22 inch[Graphic Design]
To acquaint the students with different techniques in different medium clay,terracotta,glass,tiles ,metals ,P.O.P.,resin etc.
Objective :-[Graphic Design] Since art students express their feelings through brushes but in this Modern vast era students also should know how to work through various software with the help of Computer.
Sessional work submission-3 plates in color.
Sketch book containing 50 sketches.
Internal assessment and submission-50 marks
External assessment 50 marks.
Course :XVIth . History of European Painting
(High Renaissance to Rococo)
Max Marks: 100
Internal: 50
External : 50
Objective –
The main purpose to include this paper of European Painting in curriculum is to give the knowledge of great art and artists from High Renaissance to Rococo.
The main purpose to include this paper of European Painting in curriculum is to give the knowledge of great art and artists from High Renaissance to Rococo.
Uint I -
High Renaissance : (15 Hrs.)
[a] Florence and Rome-
Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Michelangelo.
[b] Venice-
Giorgione, Titian
Unit II –Mannerism (15 Hrs.)
The conscious revolt against the ideals of Renaissance.
Certain works of Michelangelo (later period) Parmigianino and Tintoretto.
Unit III- Baroque : (15 Hrs.)
France-------Poussin, Lorrain
Netherland--------Rembrandt, Rubens
Unit IV-Rococo (15Hrs.)
The work of Watteau
Internal Assessment shall based on-
The split up of 100 marks- External Assessment- 50M.M.
Internal Assessment- 50M.M.
Unit Tests : Two unit test of 15 marks each duration of at least 1 hour to be conducted by the teacher concerned. Every unit test has to be conducted after completion of two units.
Two Quiz or Group Discussion- 5 marks each,
Seminar/Presentation/Project- 10 marks.
Recommended Readings :
Art through the ages- Helen Gardener
Outline History of Art- William Orpen
A History of Western Art- Michael Levey
The Story of Paintings- H.W. Jonson
World’s Greatest Paintings- T.Leman Hare
Pictorial/History of Western Art- Erwin O.Christener
Paschim Ki Chitrakala- G.K.Aggarwal
Europe ki Chitrakala- G.K.Aggarwal
European Painting- Rajendra Bajpai
Europiya Punarjagran- Kusum Dass Course : XVII th
History of Modern Painting (Western)(Expressionism to Abstract Art)
Max Marks: 100
Internal: 50
External : 50
Objective :
The study of the Art History cannot be completed without the knowledge of western modern art. It will suffice the purpose of making students aware of different movements in Modern Art.
The study of the Art History cannot be completed without the knowledge of western modern art. It will suffice the purpose of making students aware of different movements in Modern Art.
Unit I- Expressionism, Fauvism (15 Hrs.)
Expressionism- Munch, Nolde, Paul Klee Fauvism-Mattisse, Vlaminck
Unit II- Dadaism (15 Hrs.)
Picabia (b) Marcel Duchamp
Unit III-Surrealism (15 Hrs.)
Salvar Dali (b) John Miro
Unit IV-Abstract Art (15 Hrs.)
Mondrian (b) Kandinsky
Internal Assessment shall based on-
The split up of 100 marks- External Assessment- 50M.M.
Internal Assessment- 50M.M.
Unit Tests : Two unit test of 15 marks each duration of at least 1 hour to be conducted by the teacher concerned. Every unit test has to be conducted after completion of two units.
Two Quiz or Group Discussion- 5 marks each,
Seminar/Presentation/Project- 10 marks.
Recommended Readings-
A History of Modern Art- H.H. Arnason
Philosophy of Modern Art- Herbert Read
Story of Modern Art- Scheldon Cheney
Dictionary of twentieth Dynasties Art- Phaidon
Masters of Modern Art- (ed) Alfred H. Bars
Modern Movement Art- R.H. Wilenski
Foundation of Modern- Fant Ozen
Adhunik Chitrakala- G.K.Aggarwal
Adhunik Chitrakala ka Itihas-R.V. Sakhalkar
Modern Art- Rajendra Bajpai
Paschimi Adhunik Chitrakala- Ram Chandra Shukla
Adhunik Chitrakala- Ram Chandra Shukla
Course :XVIIIth : Creative Composition (Abstract)
Max Marks: 100
Time : 12 Hrs.
Objective :
Developing the creative power of the students and make them able to work as Professional artist .
Size – 36 inch × 24 Inch (Minimum)
Time- 12 Hrs. in four sittings.
Sessional work submission-3 plates in colour.
Sketch book containing 50 sketches.
Internal assessment and submission-50 marks
External assessment 50 marks.
Course : XIX th
Collage /claymodellig / Installation
Collage /claymodellig / Installation
Max Marks: 100
Time : 12 Hrs.
Objective –
The aim of this paper is to develop the skill of a student to project their feeling with the help of various materials instead of brush and color.
The aim of this paper is to develop the skill of a student to project their feeling with the help of various materials instead of brush and color.
Size – 36 inch × 24 Inch (Minimum for collage )
Size- One feet [Minimum for Clay modeling]
Size- 4 x 5 feet [Minimum for installation]
Time- 12 Hrs. in four sittings.
Sessional work submission-3 plates in colour.
Sketch book containing 50 sketches.
Internal assessment and submission-50 marks
External assessment 50 marks.
Course : XXth : Dissertation / Exhibition-and Viva Voce
Internal---Marks 50Mm
External---Marks 50Mm
Total--- Max M.100Mm
Objective :-
These papers are introduced to give knowledge about Thesis work, display of an Exhibition along with preparing catalogue as well as Viva –Voce is designed to evaluate the over all general knowledge of candidate related to method and materials ,practical handling of various media & grounds i.e.Painting,Computer Graphic,Mural,Sculpture,Applied Art ,Contemporary Art Activities along with Artists of India .
The candidate will prepare a dissertation on any topic under the guidance of the supervisor. The research methodology, references, bibliography and illustrations etc. be properly used and the same should be submitted to the supervisor. Suggested topics-any topic from art history, philosophy, medium and techniques (Traditional and Contemporary), Fundamentals and Principles of Fine Art.
(Note: viva Voice —will be conducted along with the practical examination itself.)